Los Angeles – It's hard to recognize Seth Rogen these days, as was easy to observe on the red carpet outside of Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood on Monday night, April 6. The chubby actor is no more, replaced by a trim, fit, and full-bearded movie star, who launched his latest comedy, "Observe and Report," to the delight of a covey of screaming fans, held back by barricades.
The film also stars Anna Faris, who wowed the crowd in a sexy purple cutout gown, and Ray Liotta as well as Michael Pena, Collette Wolf, Celia Weston, twins Matt and John Yuan, and Randy Gambill, who spends his entire screen time doing full-frontal nudity playing a pervert flasher who races through a shopping mall clad in only a raincoat.
Rogen plays the head of security at the mall, a bumbling idiot who eventually redeems himself. It's not his finest hour, which explains why he was much more amped about discussing his next project at the packed after party.
"I'm really excited about starting 'The Green Hornet,'" he said. Of course, he not only will star as that venerable comic-book hero, Rogen also wrote the script and is the executive producer, so no wonder he's lost all that weight in anticipation of creating his very own movie franchise.
Solange Wilvert Gucci 2
15 years ago